projects 2019
NAMIBIA – something blue
With an area of 10,000 square kilometres, the Namibian Islands’ Marine Protected Area (NIMPA) is Africa’s second largest marine reserve. The area boasts the highest variety of habitats found anywhere along the coast, including lagoons, wetlands, salt pans, rocky shores, reefs, sandy beaches, kelp beds and several small islands. These islands are are used as spawning grounds for the entire Namibian breeding population of Cape gannets and almost all of Namibia’s endangered African penguins. The NIMPA is also home to endemic dolphins, six different species of whale and almost 70 per cent of the global population of Cape fur seals. It is an area of outstanding marine biodiversity. However, it is currently under threat from activities like diamond mining, overfishing, pollution, port development, untested phosphate extraction and, disturbingly, live marine mammal harvesting. With help and guidance from BLUE’s our local partners will ensure that this incredible area is managed sustainably and that it receives the protection it so badly needs.